Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Morse Code Translation

This week I was trying to explain what a morse code is to my daughter and son. It is lot of fun trying to describe old technologies to the new generation of kids. They are fascinated by the rudimentary technology used at those times. I have also shown them how to convert a message to morse code and how it actually sound like. I used this Morse Code Translator from and it was a total blast.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Learn to speak like a pirate

September 19th is a talk like a pirate day. Do you want to talk like a pirate? Head over to and start typing. This is an English to Pirate Translator which works well on your browser from desktop or mobile. This has an API for pirate translation too. Check it out. I had few minutes of fun.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tamil Dictionary

This week I was doing some research on Tamil language and came across this Tamil dictionary website. It is refreshing to see this. Most of the Tamil language sites are poorly designed and has more ads than the content. This one looks pleasing and haven't overdone the ads. Above all it yields quality results.

Agarathi also have another unique thing Tamil Dictionary API which one can use to leverage agarathi's database in their apps.

Overall I'm really pleased with the design and the quality of the website and we need more and more such websites to cater to one of the oldest languages in the world.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Great quotes to live by

Today I came across this quotes collection Great quotes to live by. I have never seen quotes presented in such a beautiful way. The quotes get the respect due, no other distractions. Usually the quotes site are full of ads and looks like crap. Not in this case. I'm impressed. I'm curious about the quotes api. I'll play with it and see if it is worth using it in some of my projects. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013 - iTunes of the font world?

When it comes to fonts & typography, it is often relegated to a niche, only popular with designers and handful of font sites. The font sites themselves are just a store front to sell fonts, often charging more than the true value of the fonts.

Last week I stumbled upon and I think finally some one decided to create a level field in typography. Sure it does the usual with its fonts directory.  But it also has many useful font utilities that can be used right from the browser. Pick any format to format conversion and you can do it there. They even managed to bring ttfdump back from the dead, along with pdffonts & ttfcoverage. Looking at some of the dates I think it is a very new site and must have been recently launched, but it packs impressive functionality.

The individual font display page provides more useful information than any other font site I have seen.   The glyphs display seem to leverage html5 canvas drawing capability to provide very accurate rendition of the glyph as opposed to the usual contact sheet you see on most of the sites. While the glyph coverage table states the facts the unicode map provides a visual view of the glyph coverage.

But IMHO the biggest surprise is their just launched Fonts Market Place. I think it has the potential to level the playing field a little enabling smaller foundries and individual designers to sell their fonts here. The success of this market place depends on attracting buyers and sellers and convincing them that this is the place to do their font related business. 

Elara Font Manager is also a nice tool that promises to keep your fonts in the cloud. I played with it for a while with the public fonts. If I have lot of personal fonts collection this is probably where I will keep and access them.

Overall I'm pretty impressed with the functionality of this site. I think it is a complete approach to font management and has lot of potential.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Converting ttf font to eot

I started thinking about typography for some of my web pages and found that it makes your webpages more professional looking. The only problem is I ran into internet explorer! (surprise!).

Both Firefox and Safari handled my ttf & woff font-face css declarations, but on IE my page still looked like crap. I had to do some digging and google came to help. Apparently IE only supports a font format called .eot (Embedded Open Type) and .eot is not supported by other browsers.

I didn't have a .eot file for my ttf file. Fortunately offered a simple way to convert my existing ttf to eot font file. And I adjusted my css declaration as shown in ttf2eot website.

Now I have my pages looking the same across all browsers...even IE!


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Save Webpage as image or PDF

Do you want a full snapshot of a webpage you are visiting as an image or as a PDF file? Here is a firefox addon which helps you with that.

Here are the options it supports.

I tried it on one of my websites and I'm impressed with the results. Good tool if you ever want to print your website on paper for promotional purposes!