Wednesday, August 16, 2006

IMAP through SSL using pine

I have a unix/mail account on a external BSD server. Being a great fan of text mode I use fetchmail to retrieve the mails to my local linux machine and run elm or pine depending on my mood. But my mail server being too restictive on the smtp side, I couldn't hit reply on my local machine and send a reply or send a new mail. Relaying was denied. I could have used a different smtp server of course. But I wanted a simple solution.

So I setup pine on my local machine to do IMAP to my server and things are suddenly rosier. My local copy of pine works on the IMAP folders on my server. I only do fetchmail once in a week for archiving purposes.

The pine configuration is really simple...
Goto "Setup"->"Configuration"
Set 'inbox-path' to
'{}INBOX'. Since my server requires a ssl connection todo IMAP.

If your server doesn't support ssl you can replace "ssl" with "notls". I also set the smtp-server to

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